Choosing a Tech Stack for your Next Project

“Should I use Vue… or maybe try Svelte? Vite looks like a great tool…”

“And what about the backend? Maybe express or NodeJS… then I’ll need to host this all somewhere.”

Chances are you’ve found yourself wondering down this thought process at some point in the past when starting a new project.

There are so many flashy tools for building your web app, and there are even more opinions about which one is the best. It’s easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis as you research the endless stream of new tools at your disposal.

So which one should you use?

The truth is: what you choose does not matter!

Build your stack by picking one tool from each of the categories below – then learn just that small list of tools:
  1. a modern frontend framework that is well maintained, documented, and updated
    • ex: Angular, React, Vue
  2. some sort of backend
    • ex: PHP, NodeJS, Express
  3. database of your choice
    • if possible, try to be familiar with both SQL and document based databases
  4. a way to host your service

You do not need anything else.

So go ahead, pick something…anything. Stick with the tools you chose for your toolbox and master them.

The most important thing is to make a choice and go get started on that project.

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